The year 2016/2017 has been an exciting time for the ISACA Student Group. New members joined the group and different activities were carried out. A total of 18 security dialogues took place with speakers from many different organisations: Spotify, the
Study visit to Combitech
On the 31th of May, ISACA Student Group Stockholm University rounds off the semester with a study visit to Combitech. Combitech is a Nordic consultancy firm combining technology, environment and security. Formed as late as in 2006, the company now
Study visit at PWC
On the 14th of April, ISACA Student Group is arranging a study visit to the IT and Information Security department at PWC for the students at DSV. During the visit you will have chance to meet representatives of the internal
Tomas Keisu, CISO Swedbank Group Guest Lecture

Tomas Keisu CISO Swedbank Group held a guest lecture at the course SECORG about “A glance of one Info Sec put into practice”. The guest lecture was regarding how Information Security work actually is performed in the real world. At the lecture
Security Dialogue w.51 – Jon Karlung
Dear students, On the 16 December between 1600 and 1700 hours, we are proud to present Jon Karlung from 5th of July Foundation, which is a foundation that “works actively to make internet security, privacy and liberty available to more people.” Jon